We are pleased to offer Skills, Catchers and Pitching winter trainings. All trainings will be held at the Kirkland Middle School gym.
Skills Training - $15 - conducted by current KALL coaches and High School players
Catchers Training - $15 - led by Lake Washington High School Softball team
Pitching Training - $40 - conducted by Erika Menninger, professional pitching coach and former Western Washington pitcher.
Date | Skills |
19-Jan | 10-11:30 |
26-Jan | 10-11:30 |
2-Feb | 10-11:30 |
9-Feb | 10-11:30 |
Date | Softball Catchers |
| |
26-Jan | 10:30-11:30 |
2-Feb | 10:30-11:30 |
9-Feb | 10:30-11:30 |
Date | Pitching |
2-Mar | 12:30 - 1:30 |
9-Mar | 10-11:00 |
16-Mar | 10-11:00 |
23-Mar | 10-11:00 |
Please register by emailing
[email protected] Payment - please pay using Venmo: @KALL_Fundraising